April was not supposed to come this
quickly and yet here we are at the end of the program and I can’t help but
wonder when the span of a year became such a fleeting amount of time, over in
the blink of an eye almost as if it never really happened at all. But it did
happen, this year was one filled with growth and with growing pains, accomplishments
and minor setbacks. I really grew into myself this year, and of course much of
this is due to the nurturing environment of the Tulane Pharmacology department
and of the city of New Orleans. Now as this school year comes to a close, I
feel an overwhelming amount of gratitude to the city and to the school and to
the department that took me in as a fragile and insecure girl with little
self-confidence and seemingly unattainable dreams of being a doctor and gave me
a safe space to pick myself up and learn how to crawl, then walk, and finally
how to run full steam ahead towards the dreams that suddenly don’t seem so
unattainable. Perhaps most invaluable of all, I have regained my confidence and
my trust in my ability to succeed, and for me that is the most precious gift of
all. In short, Nola and Tulane’s Pharmacology department have both been exactly
what I needed in a time when I needed them most, and I will forever be beyond
thankful to have been taken in by such a nurturing and encouraging group of
people. I hate goodbyes so instead I’ll say “until we meet again Nola”.
Hours this month: 8
Total Hours: 31
Pharmacology crew volunteering at Habitat for Humanity this month: