Wednesday, January 31, 2018

New Year New Me? (Misadventures in NOLA part 2)

            As we draw nearer and nearer to Mardi Gras I can honestly say that my first January in New Orleans has brought with it a whole host of new and unexpected experiences. For starters, we had not one but two snow days earlier this month during which the entire city appeared to be a ghost town from some post-apocalyptic novel. It has been a strange experience for me to be confronted with just how unprepared for cold weather this city is, I guess icy roads and sub-freezing temperatures are such an uncommon occurrence down here that they do in fact merit a city-wide shutdown as was the case this year. But thankfully the weather has moved steadily towards the warmer end of the spectrum.

            The other hot topic of the month is of course the anticipation and excitement for Mardi Gras that can be felt in every corner of the city. It seems like each passing day brings with it more and more tourists, and I can only imagine how many people will have flooded the city by next weekend. Although I am excited for all the parades and to experience everything that is Mardi Gras in general, I can’t help but mourn the influx of so many out-of-towners. Although my expressing such a sentiment is ironic in itself considering the fact that I am technically an “out-of-towner”. Maybe this is a sign that New Orleans is slowly but surely becoming a place I could call home. I guess only time will tell, but I am optimistic for the rest of the semester and I look forward to all that 2018 will bring.