Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Is February already over?

            This month I experienced my first ever Mardi Gras Celebration and I can honestly say that I have never seen anything like it before in my life. Tourists began descending on the Crescent City around a week before festivities began and the influx only got worse with each passing day. By far my favorite parade of the entire festival was the Krewe of Muses parade despite the fact that I was unable to snag an embellished muses shoe but I suppose there is always next year.
            Now as February comes to an end and the Step exam looms ever nearer I can’t help but feel that this month has been an exceptionally short one. The only volunteering I was able to fit in occurred during our school’s spring break when I went home and volunteered at two competition events hosted by my old high school. The first such event on Wednesday evening was a Scholar Bowl tournament where I proctored five rounds of the junior varsity competition circuit. Then on Saturday I was a judge for the Fermi event at the regionals Science Olympiad competition which was similarly held at my old high school.
            In conclusion, February seems to have flown by rather more quickly than usual, probably due to the fact that Mardi Gras celebrations fell in the middle of the month this year.

Hours this month: 12

Total Hours: 12